Lt. Tim McMillan (Ret.)
Retired Law Enforcement Officer
Investigative Writer
Public Speaker
Researcher and Consultant

Sudden tragedy to an unforeseen career in law enforcement...
As a youth growing up in Savannah, Georgia; Lt. Tim McMillan (Ret.) never thought he'd one day end up a police officer. However, in July of 2002, after the murder of two childhood friends, Lt. McMillan found himself consumed with a burning desire to make a positive difference in his community. Less than a year after that tragic July night - at only 21-years old- Lt. McMillan would raise his right hand and be sworn in as a police officer in Garden City Police Georgia.
During his law enforcement career, Lt. McMillan served in a diverse number of roles, including, Patrol Officer; Investigator; Crime Scene Technician; K9-handler; Sergeant, Lieutenant and Assistant Patrol Commander.
Lt. McMillan holds numerous law enforcement certifications including being a criminal investigative and intelligence analyst. Additionally, Lt. McMillan is a P.O.S.T. certified instructor - teaching numerous courses for academy, local, state and federal law enforcement and domestic intelligence officers.
In 2006-2007, Lt. McMillan was named "Officer of the Year" with GCPD. In 2012, while serving as the Part-time Beach Patrol Commander, he was named the 2012 Police Officer of the year for the Tybee Island Police Department. Additionally, of the course of his career, Lt. McMillan was awarded seven Chief's Accommodations for exceptional service; and in 2004, he was formally commended by Georgia Governor Sonny Purdue for his service during the G8 Summit.
Another unexpected turn of fate...
On October 1, 2016, Lt. McMillan once again would face an emotional life-changing event. That morning, while on the way home after a 16-hour shift, he would encounter a vehicle that the veteran cop thought was almost assuredly being steered by a drunk driver. After performing a traffic stop- for what was eventually determined to be a seemingly minor infraction of "texting while driving" - Lt. McMillan, unexpectedly and dramatically found himself face-to-face with the somber and polarized climate that exists between the minority community and the police. Emotionally distraught by what he saw, Lt. McMillan would end up making a social media post describing the experience.
Ultimately, his Facebook post would end up going viral, being seen and shared by tens of millions of people across the world.
After his viral social media post, and being confronted by a harsh reality, Lt. McMillan realized that issues such as inequality, racism, and disproportionate treatment are genuine and significant problems humanity faces. Once again, Lt. McMillan found himself being emotionally driven to make a positive impact in the lives of others.
Since that fateful morning, Lt. McMillan has worked devoted his life to being a public advocate for civil rights, equality, and positively engaging in the human experience.
After almost two years of juggling the roles of full-time police officer, father, husband, and activist, in 2018, Lt. McMillan retired from law enforcement.

Lt. McMillan and Brandon; the young man who
inspired the viral traffic stop.
After retiring from policing, Lt. McMillan worked as an investigator and legal analyst for The Claiborne Firm in Savannah, Georgia.
In the summer of 2019, Lt. McMillan moved with his family to the Rhineland- Palatinate region of Germany. He now works full-time as a freelance writer– appearing in major media publications such as The War Zone, Vice and Popular Mechanics. A research and intelligence analyst, Lt. McMillan has provided contract assistance to various media outlets and professional institutions.
Lt. McMillan has been featured by over 200 television, digital, and print media organizations, in 27 different countries. Additionally, he stars in the documentary films "Walking While Black. L.O.V.E. is the Answer," and "Black and Blue" - with Tony Harris.
As a public speaker, Lt. McMillan has provided keynote speeches at numerous private and public events; including political town hall discussions and lectures at universities across the United States.
In 2017, Lt. McMillan became a TEDx Talks featured presenter with his widely popular “Policing the Bridge” speech.

In 2016, Lt. McMillan was recognized for his work in police-community involvement by the U.S. Department of Justice and Attorney General’s Office. In the same year, he received the “Protector of the Peace” award by the national Non-profit Organization Races for Peace.
Lt. McMillan is internationally recognized law enforcement expert by the Law Enforcement Action Partnership (L.E.A.P.).
As an independent contractor, Lt. McMillan has served as a consultant, instructor, and technical advisor for numerous private, government, and non-profit organizations throughout the United States.
Lt. McMillan is a summa cum laude graduate with a B.A. in Mathematics and Psychology from Southern New Hampshire University. In graduate school, his focus and research was centered on cognitive psychology - human consciousness and perception. Additionally, Lt. McMillan is a graduate of Columbus State University’s Professional Management Program.
He is an undergraduate member of the Psi Chi National Psychology Honors Society, Alpha Sigma Lambda National College Honors Society, Mathematical Association of America; and an associate member of the Jewish Police Officers National Conference of Shomrim Society.